Monday, January 30, 2006 tagged by Bea...

A lot of answer for me's amusing!!!

The meme of Fours

I've been tagged by Bea. Thanks you very much.

Four Jobs I Have Had in My Life

  1. I have just started working…..Managerial engineering

Four Movies I Could Watch Over and Over Again

  1. Star Wars
  2. The sound of music
  3. Addicted to Love
  4. All “Don Camillo e Peppone” movie (Italian movie)

Four Places I Have Lived

  1. Reggio Emilia (I have been living here since I was born!)

Four TV Shows I Love to Watch:

  1. Dr. House Medical Division
  2. ER
  3. Friends
  4. Camera Caffè (an Italian show)

Four Places I Have Been on Vacation

  1. Praga
  2. Livigno
  3. Paris
  4. Ireland

Four Websites I Visit Daily

  1. Some Stitching blog
  2. Board I joined
  3. My Blog
  4. My bank website

Four of My Favorite Foods

  1. Pizza
  2. Hamburger
  3. Fish
  4. Florentine rare steak

Four Albums I Can't Live Without (I changed to "singers" cause it's better tuned to what I listen to)

  1. Alanis Morissette
  2. U2
  3. Green Day
  4. Lorenzo Jovanotti (Italian)

Four Places I'd Rather Be

  1. London
  2. Australia
  3. New York
  4. Amsterdam

Four Bloggers I Am Tagging
No one…everybody have already answered. I’m quite late!!!

...tagged by Zohrah..

I’ve been tagged by Zohrah…so thank you Zohrah!!!

Here are the rules: remove the blog in the top spot from the following list and bump everyone else up a notch. Then add yours to the bottom spot. Like this:
Casserole of my life
Recent Runes
Chiara’s Loft

Then select 5 people to be tagged:

What were you doing 10 years ago?
Ten years ago I was 14 almost 15 years old…so I was at the first year of high school an I was fighting with my father to buy a scooter….I won!! :o)

Five snacks you enjoy.

  1. Sandwiches
  2. Chips
  3. Chocolate
  4. Hamburger
  5. Yoghurt

Five songs to which you know all the lyrics off your head right now.

  1. Jovanotti(ITA)- Mi fido di te
  2. Max Pezzali(ITA)-Gli anni
  3. Vasco(ITA)- Alba Chiara
  4. Ligabue (ITA)- Piccola Stella Senza Cielo
  5. U2- One

Five things you would do if you had one million dollars.

  1. I’ll buy a wonderful house for me and my family…
  2. I’ll never come back to work…I’l stay at home with my family and my hobbies..
  3. I’ll make a long trip all around the world…
  4. I’ll buy all the stitching supplies and magazine I want..
  5. I’ll pay someone who irons for me :o)

Five bad habits.

  1. I ‘m untidy
  2. I Don’t made my bed.
  3. I have no patience
  4. I speak in a loud voice
  5. I make a million of things in the same time….

Five things you like doing.

  1. Cross-stitching
  2. Reading stitching blogs and e-mail
  3. Read story to Alice
  4. Shopping.
  5. Eating.

Five things you would never buy, wear or get new again.

  1. I’ll never wear tanga
  2. I’ll never wear or buy a furs
  3. I’ll never buy a motorbike

Five favourite toys.

  1. Lego
  2. Barbie
  3. ….i Don’t remember…

Sunday, January 29, 2006

...just back from Livigno...

I’m just back from Livigno!!! Wow what a wonderful week, the slopes were perfect… we havw skied a lot and all together ( Alice is quite clever now, she likes skiing as you can see from her smile in the photo!!!) luckily no broken legs :o)

… on Friday there was an heavy snowfall I have never seen so many snow!!!

After skiing I apply myself to X-stitch, naturally….I worked on the Hand Towel for the exchange of EMS Board…as it’s for an exchange I can’t show you any photo now !! The hand towel I have bought has an insert of Aida 11 so I used 3 strands for the stitching….the last time I have used this kind of fabric was long time ago and I have to say I’ll never use it in the future… the X are really large and I don’t like it very much I prefer Aida 14…I’ll take it in account for the next time!!!

Finally I bought DMC 746 so I have finished my HEN

I have also started the pig…the progress will be more considerable…but I noticed that I have make a big mistake …I have stitched all the right cheeks and the right ear two X stitch down from their correct position so I have to unmake all the work done :o(

Tomorrow back to work…:o(…oof!!!

Thursday, January 19, 2006


Today there is a fog so tick you could cut it with a knife!! It’s wonderful to stay at home!!!

That was a very busy week so little stitch for me….

I carry on with my clown…but I made a lot of mistake so I have to unmake a lot of work...what a damned nuisance!!! Unfortunately [ but not so much :o)] I’m still waiting the other floss request from USA so I’m in a standstill!!!..

Today is arrived the January issue of Quick & Easy I have bought on eBay…it’s wonderful I love very much the Newton’s Law chart and Bang on the door…hurrah for eBay that allows me to buy the magazines I wish!!!

This week's is:

Have you had a happy dance yet this year? If so, tell us about it! (Or just point to the entry that talks about it.) If not, when do you predict it will be?

Two little happy dance for me this year:
Seasons by SanMan Originals
Eeyore by Disney
…I hope to add more happy dance soon :o)

Saturday morning we will go skiing at Livigno for a week….I’m looking forward to leave and go on holiday!!! Sure enough I’ll take my X stitch with me…I think I’ll take the hand towel I have to make for EMS exchange…

Happy week to everyone…bye for now!!!

Sunday, January 15, 2006

..Hen almost finished…

This week end has been full of peace,quiet…and x-stitch!!!

My Hen is almost finished…I have nearly finished all the x-stitch when I figure that the 746 was finished…as it’s Sunday the shops are closed so my hen tummy has to wait until tomorrow evening…I’m satisfied about the result …the hen expression is really pleasant!!!…now I have to stitch the other 3 farm animal, I’m going to stitch the pig…

I have just started the clown for Levistrix charity project the deadline is 28th of February so it’s time to start!!! The design is quite big unfortunately I miss a lot of floss (I’m waiting an order from USA I hope it’ll arrive soon with the floss, the January chart of Lizzie Kate and the fabric for the Mirabilia SAL).

Last week I’ve joined my first exchanges:

  • the Spring exchange by Stitching Bloggers Exchange Board;
  • the Hand Towel exchange by EMS Cross Stitch Board.

..I hope they’ll be nice experiences!!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

...Blocks Club...

Yesterday I took part to a wonderful club founded by some Italian friends, I’ll stitch the FLIP IT STAMPS by Lizzie Kate (as I have told you before I would like to stitch it)…

Below some in formations about the club if someone want to join us:

The Blocks Club is a club “founded” by Dolci Fusa and Bea.
It’s a club open to everyone who want to stitch one of the three sets of seasonal Flip-it by Lizzie Kate.
Every month you have to complete the Flip it of the corresponding month. Who joins the group and wants to show her works can send a picture to, month for month, 72 dpi with the bigger side smaller than 750 pixel.
The participant must use her own chart and her own material (no chart will be distributed).
For any info mail to :

Dolci Fusa e Bea hanno pensato di "fondare" un club: tutto virtuale a cui può partecipare chiunque abbia voglia di ricamare insieme una qualsiasi delle tre serie di Flip-it stagionali della Kate.
È un modo per stare in contatto con altre persone e divertirsi assieme, con il nostro hobby preferito.
Ogni mese dovrà essere portato a termine il flip-it del mese corrispondente. Chiunque partecipa al club e desidera pubblicare il proprio ricamo, non ha che da inviarlo a Veronica mese per mese, a 72 dpi, con il lato maggiore non oltre i 750 pixel.
L'adesione al club non prevede in alcun modo la distribuzione degli schemi suddetti né impone obblighi: le partecipanti dovranno munirsi di tali schemi e dei materiali per conto proprio, non esiste alcuna quota partecipativa ed il ricamo è di assoluta proprietà della ricamatrice. Non è un round robin né uno scambio. Si chiede soltanto il monitoraggio del ricamo mensile tramite invio della foto, per la pubblicazione online.
Per qualsiasi informazione, scrivetemi qui:

My January flip it stamp:
[finished on the 1st February ]

My February flip it stamp:
[finished on the .... ]

Monday, January 09, 2006


Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is come out in Italian at last!!! I read it in one breath….I finished it last night at 2.47 a.m, now I’m sleepy but it was really worth it!!!It’s marvellous but really sad!!!

Unfortunately holidays are finished!!!
Today we have unmade the Christmas tree and the nativity…I feel quite sad :o(
The return to work and school is hard!!! I hope next holiday will arrive soon :o)

I have started stitching the farm animals by Margaret Sherry, I start with the HEN I think it’s really nice….

Sunday, January 08, 2006 farm animals&SBQ...

Finally I have found some almost square frame!!! There are some dividing but I can easily remove them...

When I found this frame I think they will be perfect to frame FUN FARM ANIMALS by Margaret Sherry so I decide to stitch it!!

For the first time since September, today's was suggested by noneother than yours truly and is:

Do you do your stash shopping at your LNS, ONS, or both? Which do youlike better? Why?

I do the most of my stash shopping at ONS.
I like better ONS because they have a wide range of products and I can shopping calmy without a saleswoman who look at me (that get my annoyed!!). while I’m choosing what I want. The LNS in my city is really pretty and the saleswoman are really kind but there is a narrow choice of chart and fabric and the floss are very expensive :o( , here I buy only patchwork cloth…and floss in case of emergency!!!

Friday, January 06, 2006

....Epiphany & Eeyore...

Today is the Epiphany and it’s traditional that an ugly old woman brings children little gift(I don't know if this is a worldwide tradition !?!)…Alice was really happy today... she has received a lot of candy and no coal (the old woman brings coal to the naughty children !!)

I have started and finished Eeyore kit for my sister…I have made a mess I have used two strands instead of one…I realize it when it was too late...I was in the middle of the stitching so I continue to stitch in this way, the only problem is that there isn’t enough Lavender floss so I search the Dmc floss that is more similar …I think that the difference between the two kind of floss is little…:o)

I put the pattern on the top of a pink (Alice has painted it!!) box as showed in the magazine and give it to my sister.

Yesterday my X stitch order is arrived !!! hurrah!!! I received Touching the Autumn Sky (Mirabilia) it’s the most elegant chart I’ve ever bought!!! And all the Flip it Stamp of Lizzie kate for the SAL of Friend Gather unfortunately I have forgotten to order the January stamp what ever was I thinking of!?! Now I have to make a new order :o( and postpone the starting of the Sal I think we have to start with January….

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

...Seasons and Cross Stitcher

It’s great to be on holiday!!! :o)..I don’t want to come back to work!!! :o(
This is my first holiday in the true sense of the world…before my holiday was always spoil by the study now, as I have finished university , I can relax myself and spent all the time with my DD and my hobbies stitching, reading and shopping!! Fabulous!!

Today i have my first happy dance of 2006!!
I have finished the free pattern called Seasons by San Man Originals…
in the original design the snowman nose is a carrot button, as I haven’t a carrot button I draw it by myself…I’m not totally happy about it…but in its entirity is not too bad :o)

I stitch it to make a daily calendar for Alice DD so she can learn the time: day, week, month and season. I put the aida into a cardboard frame where I glued the calendar…I stuff the aida with cotton to ticken the pattern…and this is the end result:

Today it’s arrived Cross Stitcher January issue…

It’s strange that it’s arrived today:
  • I haven’t received December number yet
  • and usually I received the current number of the magazine a long time later it come out in England…

well I hope that December issue will arrive sooner or later….

Now I enjoy the January number, I like:

  • Eeyore gift set: I’ll stitch for my sister it’s are favourite Winnie the Pooh characters

  • Eeyore and Friend, unfortunately the treads are special Disney treads :o(

  • When I’m an Old Cat: (I like the cat but I don’t like the crystral bell)

  • Funky Floral cards…the pot are really fanciful

  • Hello Archie with Spot the dog